Now that introductions are out of the way, you should know that I come packed with just as many jokes as I do base layers and lenses. Documenting you as you are, with no fuss or fakeness, is my job (but I consider it an added bonus that we get to be weird in the wild together). No matter what brings you, I’m honored by the opportunity to preserve your legacy in its untamed nature beyond surface level. Stretch out & stay awhile, folks!
I was raised by photographers. As a kid, I played with my parent’s old Canon cameras and Polaroids as a pastime. Blame it on my bloodline, but I longed to understand the significance of the moments captured in our family albums. Even back then I knew I wanted to be a bigger part of them, preserve the way I stop time too. So I did.
In my twenties one of my best friends gifted me a Zenza BRONICA. Shooting medium format cracked me open to photography as an art form. I took that BRONICA everywhere, and the people around me noticed! Soon enough my hobby transcended into hustle. &, we’ve been running parallel with one another ever since.
You see, to me photography is so much more than a career, but a higher calling. A medium that allows me to not only plant my feet in new cultures and communities, but be fully immersed in moments as they unfold into memories. Which has given me greater purpose and perspective beyond my wildest dreams.
My work infuses candid chemistry into connection with nature. I’m drawn to: symmetry, untouched scenery, natural light, funky features, human emotion, and the unexpected.
I document the smallest embraces when they show up and slow down the views that remind us of our place in this world. It all depends on the adventure we’re on and where the great unknown leads your love story.
When I’m not your wide-open spaces wingman, you can find me out of cell service, trail running with good friends or at the movies with my family.
Thank you for being here. I can’t wait to get out there with you.
Muddy tires
Western landscapes